Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome to the world...

First there was this......

and then there was this......

and out came.....this!!!!

And now we have.....

one very PROUD little cousin.(sorry for poor pic quality it was taken on my phone)

My sister is soooo amazing!! She was swollen to a ridiculious size and it was very painful for her to even walk at the end. She was put on bed rest I believe a week before she delivered. Her original due date was not until October 11th but they went ahead and induced on August 31st.

Emily Kate is a beautiful baby. She is now almost 3 months old and is even more beautiful with every passing day! Over the past few weeks she has started goo goo gah gahing and her eyelashes are ridiculously long and dark! She has blue eyes which I'm assuming are from my mom since Eric and Kelly both have brown eyes. She is the MOST pleasent contented baby I have ever been around and she is such a joy in our lives.

The love I have for that baby is likened to the love I have for my own daughter. Thank you Kelly and Eric for such a beautiful neice! Olivia and I love her to death.


I think he might've thought she was gonna spit up lol

Love these two!