Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Promise to post pictures soon!!

I'm terrible about posting job keeps me so busy as does my lovely 3 year old. But, I got some great ones at Christmas time and can't wait to share them.

As we spend one more day in 2008 I'd like to take a moment and reflect on all the things I'm thankful for that happened in 2008.

1. My FABULOUS new job..actually my first ever REAL career. Thank you Lord for this great opportunity
2. The patience and helpfulness of my wonderful boyfriend and parents with Olivia when I had to work late
3. My 26th birthday.
4. Olivia's achievement of being potty trained..(I'm pretty sure that happened this year)
5. My best friend getting to spend one more Christmas with her father (he has brain cancer)
6. Michael getting into school again
7. All the new friends I have made..especilly Angela in Tallahassee...she is definately my rock when it comes to my job
8. My closer relationship with grows constantly
9. NOT being injured in my wreck
10. My sister moving a little closer

There is so much more to be thankful for but these just popped to mind. I'm sure that you are thankful for alot too!

Here's to a New Year and many many blessings in 2009!!!